by Melrein John DR Viado Among the United Nation’s Millennium Development Goals (MDP), putting a halt to the apparent spread of...
Meditation: Mystery to Mastery
by Rezza Mae Tolinero Take a break. Sit in a comfortable position. Focus on your forehead area and close your eyes for a moment while...
Not Your Ordinary Rice
by Kimberly Mae V. Llano At age 43, Mary Jane Llano was diagnosed with diabetes. Her mother was diagnosed too with the same disease and...
Images on the Wall, Litters on the Floor, Shards of Window Glasses
by Jose Angelo Lorenzo S. Gomos The Case of Juanito Juanito is a teenager with hopes and dreams of a brighter future. He has a family to...
Alternative fuels and Green vehicle: Ways to reduce Air Pollution
by Arnie Fe Escabusa I had a glanced upon the black smoke being released by a Ship liner near the area of Macabalan and funnel of a...
Urbanization: To Cause Danger in Food Security
by Erika Gem Criste The Philippines is an archipelago consisting of 7,107 islands covering about 300,000 square kilometers (30 million...
Pursuit of Happiness
by Evan B. Aranas On a survey of the World Happiness report, Philippines has been ranked as the least happiest country of Southeast Asia....
Fat Facts 101
by: Erika Carmela B. Inovero Each year, more and more Filipinos are growing horizontally. They love to eat and go with the flow in their...
Slow Down, Stop, and Go
by Jamila Hiba A. Padilla Where can you find the colors yellow, red and green? That’s right, in a traffic light. The colors which means...
Ideas on IEDS
by Jade Alfie Sale On a supposed to be run of the mill day on the 9th of December 2014, an explosion shook off the campus of Central...