by Melrein John DR Viado Among the United Nation’s Millennium Development Goals (MDP), putting a halt to the apparent spread of...
Not Your Ordinary Rice
by Kimberly Mae V. Llano At age 43, Mary Jane Llano was diagnosed with diabetes. Her mother was diagnosed too with the same disease and...
Urbanization: To Cause Danger in Food Security
by Erika Gem Criste The Philippines is an archipelago consisting of 7,107 islands covering about 300,000 square kilometers (30 million...
The Garlic Diaries
by Isa Agawin It was not only a local issue; it was a national crime that stirred up the whole nation. Who knew innocent garlic cloves...
Bacterial wilt on potatoes
By Jade Alfie Sale Potato is the fourth-largest food crop in the world just next to wheat, rice and maize. It is popularly known for its...
Machines with Good Intent
By Jose Angelo Lorenzo Gomos In the middle of a sunny morning, ivory clouds hover in the clear azure sky. The fields on the highlands...
White Corn Grits: Rising of the Rice Alternative
By Rezza Mae Tolinero Corn as rice substitute: only for the poor no more. Instead of rice, Margarita Saldua at the age of 85, is a loyal...
The Quack! Alternative
By Solomon Hernandez Rice has been considered as the most important food crop in the Philippines. For centuries, it has been tied to our...
Fitted feat: Reviving soil vitality
By: Ma Theresa Lugares The agriculture and mining sector are both important cogs in our goal to continually strive for progress and...
‘Scuba’ rice: a resilient plunge in farming
By Mary Antoinette M. Magallanes Asha Ram Pal, an Indian farmer, stared hopelessly at his rice crops soaked wet in floodwaters. He was...